Saturday 25 July 2009

Corruption fatigue fuels critics of Kurdistan's twin dynasties

Corruption is set to be the central issue when Iraq's Kurds vote in elections today, as residents grow increasingly uncomfortable with the alleged nepotism and closed business dealings that have helped keep Kurdistan's two leading families in power.

This discomfort, combined with the newfound popularity of a candidate campaigning against corruption and for change, could hold the Kurdish regional government to greater account, even though Masoud Barzani, regional president and leader of the Kurdish Democratic party, is certain to be returned to office.

"I am fed up with the ruling parties as they are turning Kurdistan into a two- family region - Barzanistan and Talabanistan," said Hemin Lihony, a journalist from the city of Sulimaniyeh, referring to Mr Barzani and Jalal Talabani, old rivals who for years have dominated Kurdish politics. "I will not vote for them because President Barzani is a problem-maker, not a problem-solver."

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