Saturday 25 July 2009

"KAMCO" and "United Gulf" deny any benefit from the transactions, "Herman," American (Translation)

alThe Kuwait Investment Projects Co. Asset Management, "KAMCO" The United Gulf Bank, based in Bahrain today, they have not made any gains from transactions in the shares of Herman International Industries, Textron, which included investigations of the U.S. regulatory authorities.

وقالت شركة مشاريع الكويت الاستثمارية لادارة الاصول "كامكو" الذراع الاستثمارية لشركة مشاريع الكويت القابضة "كيبكو" في بيان "المعاملات المذكورة في دعوى لجنة الأوراق المالية والبورصات قامت بها كامكو بموجب تعليمات محددة من زبائنها وفق النظام المعتاد للعمل" The Kuwait Investment Projects Co. Asset Management, "KAMCO" the investment arm of Kuwait Projects Company Holding "KEPCO" in a statement: "the transactions mentioned in the lawsuit filed to the Securities and Exchange Commission by KAMCO under specific instructions from their clients in accordance with the usual system of work"

وأضاف البيان "ليس لكامكو ولم يكن لها استثمارات عقارية أو أي اهتمام بالاسهم المعنية ومن ثم لم تستفد او تحقق نفعا من المعاملات المذكورة"، وقال البيان إن كامكو التزمت بالقواعد المطبقة في هذا الشأن. The statement added, "no cash and did not have real estate investments or any interest on the stock and therefore did not benefit or beneficial of the transactions mentioned," the statement said KAMCO has applied the rules in this regard.
Original here:

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