Sunday 21 December 2014

Dubai realty market cool-off forces investor rethink |

Dubai realty market cool-off forces investor rethink |

"Master-developers and those with proven track record of delivery will have the edge if investor sentiments in Dubai’s property markets were to tighten further, according to the findings of an industry survey complied by the law firm Hadef & Partners. This will force non-Tier A developers with having to “get more innovative and offering something more” to win over buyer confidence.

That could even mean sacrificing on their offer pricing. As high as 70 per cent of respondents in the survey believed that sub-developers need to come up with “better payment plans, lower prices and more balanced contracts” to get into their off-plan projects. This could have ramifications for the entire industry as a raft of new off-plan projects were launched by private developers recently, both in established locations and, more so these days, in newer locations further away from the city centre.

“There’s an undercurrent of caution, which could be eased if investors see the government sustaining the significant spending on wider infrastructure projects,” said Brent Baldwin, Partner at Hadef & Partners. “This will also be expressed by investors putting more faith in government-owned or backed developers."

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