Friday 24 May 2024

#Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Juggles Ambition With Regional Reality - Bloomberg

Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Juggles Ambition With Regional Reality - Bloomberg

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman faces a complicated balancing act as he consolidates power in Saudi Arabia.

Interest in his stewardship of the world’s biggest oil exporter has intensified since the royal court announced this week that 88-year-old King Salman was being treated for lung inflammation at his palace in Jeddah. Yet MBS, as he is known, has effectively been running Saudi Arabia since his father made him his heir in 2017.

Now he’s expected to focus on tightening control domestically. The preference at this stage is likely to be to co-opt possible opponents rather than deploy the iron fist his regime used before to crush dissent within the royal family, the once-powerful religious establishment, and even abroad in the case of slain Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

A key plank of administration is his Vision 2030 agenda to transform the Saudi economy by investing in everything from tourism to electric vehicles and semiconductors. But that won’t be easy.

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