Monday, 13 September 2010

OPEC in Comfortable Middle Age, Turns 50 Years Old Tomorrow: Timeline - Bloomberg

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries turns 50 years old tomorrow, having survived a tumultuous history of wars, embargoes and in-fighting. The world’s oldest and largest energy producer group is now enjoying prices close to the $75 a barrel level that its largest member Saudi Arabia considers “ideal.”

OPEC’s Timeline:

Sept. 14, 1960: The organization was born in Baghdad. The five founding members -- Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela -- created the group during a five-day meeting in the Iraqi capital, dedicated to “the coordination and unification of the petroleum policies of Member Countries and the determination of the best means of safeguarding their interests.”

Sept. 1, 1965: The group moved its headquarters from Geneva to Vienna, where its secretariat is now based. Between 1961 and 1971 the following six countries join: Qatar, Indonesia, Libya, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria and Nigeria.

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