Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Qatar T-bill yields lowest since at least October 2012 | Reuters

"Yields in Qatar's Treasury bill auction fell on Tuesday to their lowest level since at least October 2012 as demand increased to its highest in as many months, central bank data showed.

Yield on the OPEC member's 91-day T-bills eased to 0.82 percent from 0.87 percent in May. It was down at 0.98 percent from 1.05 percent for 182-day T-bills and at 1.04 percent from 1.09 percent for 273-day notes, data showed.

The central bank (QCB) drained 4 billion riyals ($1.1 billion) from the market, keeping the amount unchanged from previous months. There is no available data from before October because the central bank did not publish it then."

'via Blog this'

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