Tuesday, 1 April 2014

EconoMonitor : EconoMonitor » Emerging Markets or Emancipating Economies?

EconoMonitor : EconoMonitor » Emerging Markets or Emancipating Economies?:

"As for the so called emerging markets, not only should we not get too easily excited by this seemingly attractive concept, which, sadly, happens to too many economists but, on the contrary, we need to defy it. The term “emerging markets” was proposed not so much in relation to a society that allocates its resources as in reference to a very narrow category of financial markets in those economies. So it is a very objectifying approach: it’s not people that matter but their money. A neoliberal economist will probably even applaud it but somebody oriented towards a social market economy must oppose. Looking at countries that are trying to narrow the gap in development level, one needs to treat them as subjects and see the people while counting the money."

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