Sunday 3 June 2018

Basic is best for Dubai-based private equity group leader Gateway Partners, says CEO V. Shankar

Basic is best for Dubai-based private equity group leader Gateway Partners, says CEO V. Shankar:

"The investment philosophy of V. Shankar is summed up in three letters: BAT.
The chief executive of private equity group Gateway Partners, the investment house he has been running from headquarters in Dubai and Singapore since 2015, believes that basic is best, and he mostly avoids the bubble-inflated world of hi-tech, especially when there is no financial track record to talk of.
“Our investment focus is very much on the basics, investing in areas that fulfil people’s essential needs and aiming to take advantage of demographic trends. Innovation is important but when I get tempted to put a lot of money into a new thing I think to myself: Don’t be BAT crazy,” he said."

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