Sunday 17 May 2015

Egypt needs government funding to make it happen |

Egypt needs government funding to make it happen |

"Dealing with unemployment is always tricky. There is no magical recipe or a set of policies than can simply be introduced and problem will be resolved, or at least reduced.

No one could question that increased investments in a given economy can create jobs if the money was put into good use. No one can question either the key role that entrepreneurship can play in job creation. (SMEs provide 70 per cent of the workforce in the Czech Republic.)

And when it isn’t foreign direct investment (FDI) or any other inflow — remittances for example — neither is it entrepreneurship or an increased role for SMEs, it most probably is government spending. Keynesian (theory) has been pretty much defined by that, with government spending being channelled into infrastructure projects. What Maynard Keynes was very specific about is that government role should increase when that of aggregate demand (private) decreases."

'via Blog this'

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