Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Dubai travel agents stay close to home

Significantly fewer Dubai hotels and travel agents are going to the World Travel Market in London next week despite reduced costs and the fact that the UK is the emirate’s largest single source of visitors, says the Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM).

Seventy-seven hotels and tour operators would take part this year, down from the 102 at last year’s event, the DTCM said. The department had halved its rental rates for space at the market to encourage participation.

A source at the DTCM said a number of hotels and tour operators did not have the budgets for the event this year and were not convinced that attending the event would boost visitors, given the economic downturn in the UK.


  1. Just while surfing i came to your blog and really enjoyed this posting.Dubai hotels are not so cheap yet with their higher standard of service,i quiet cant afford them.

  2. Nice blog . There lots of service offered by different travel agent in Dubai, moreover with their variety of packages .
