Saturday, 7 November 2009

'No worry about Gulf economy' (Interview)

Talal Abu Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO of Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organisation, one of the largest Arab groups in the field of accounting, financial consulting, economic and strategic studies about Middle East economic issues, shares his views with Gulf News in an exclusive interview.

Gulf News: What is your general view about the economic crisis and would you support the perception that the worst is over?

Talal Abu Ghazaleh: I don't think the crisis is over. I think it is just starting. There are no real signs of recovery, and we won't see them until there is a real restructuring of the financial system in the US. For me, the world we knew ended in 2008 — we are now living in a completely new world, and the crisis will impose and dictate changes. The US has to reform its system on control, so that regulatory agencies can really function. The Fed has very limited influence on policies and rules of the US financial system, it's a very laissez-faire attitude.

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