Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Shell delays $8bn Qatar project

Royal Dutch Shell yesterday said it had delayed its $8 billion Qatargas 4 liquefied natural gas (LNG) project by around a year, with startup now planned for late next year and first cargo possibly pushed into 2011.

"We had been planning for a startup in early 2010 but now we expect that to come in late 2010," a spokeswoman said, adding the slippage represented a delay of 10 months.

She declined to say when first cargoes would load commence but a statement from the company said ramp-up of the project could continue into 2011, raising the prospect the facility may not be in a position to load ships until then.

The delay was due to contractors struggling to keep up with the pace of developments in Qatar's gas industry, the spokeswoman said.END

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