Friday, 14 January 2011

Dubai overall debt at least $129.3bn, Credit Suisse says - Politics & Economics -

Dubai and its state owned companies carry at least $129.3bn of debt, of which $50.2bn is owed by Dubai World, the company that completed a loan restructuring in September, Credit Suisse Group said.

The second largest debt, $28.9bn, is owed by the government itself, the bank said in a research report emailed on Thursday. Investment Corporation of Dubai and Dubai Holding, two other holding companies, as well as other government related firms, account for the remaining $50.2bn, it said.

The number “comprises publicly disclosed debt of $111.1bn and debt on which disclosure is limited,” London-based analysts Mohamad Hawa and Anton Rozanov said in the research report. “The debt burden could be much higher than our final numbers owing to the lack of full disclosure.”

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