Thursday, 14 April 2011

FT Alphaville » Cash, oil and barter in Libya

Last month FT Alphaville asked: “Might access to Libyan oil decide the conflict just yet?”

News from both rebel- and regime-held parts of Libya on Tuesday and Wednesday provide a bit more help in answering this question, which could become ever more important to the ensuing civil war. And to a growing humanitarian crisis: the World Food Programme warned Wednesday that 3.6 million people may need aid given that Libya’s publicly subsidised food system is in tatters.

Representatives of the rebels met with Arab and African officials in Doha on Wednesday. Nato, meanwhile, is divided on the desired intensity and frequency of air strikes, reports the New York Times. Le Monde adds that the French foreign minister, Alain Juppé, has called on others to carry out more attack flights, echoing previous comments by William Hague, the UK foreign secretary.

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