Sunday, 26 May 2013

Dead Sea Diary: Establishing good economies after Arab Spring |

"All over the Arab world, officials are struggling to establish good governance in very difficult situations as their countries go through the political trauma of the aftermath of the revolutions of the Arab Spring. The barrage of depressing political news from these transition economies often hides the hard work which is going on in ministries and government bodies as politicians try to put their countries on the right track to stability and economic growth.
Some of the most interesting sessions at the 2013 World Economic Forum meeting on the Middle East at the Dead Sea in Jordan are looking at what new laws are being put in place to overcome the lingering political problems which make it very hard to engender either private sector or foreign trust.
These political problems take various forms: like the struggle between the Egyptian presidency and judiciary which reinforce doubts that the constitution can last; or the former militiamen in Libya who surrounded the Ministry of Interior and forced through a virulent form of the Exclusion Law which put large numbers of skilled people out of work because they had held posts under the previous regime."

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