Friday, 7 June 2013

Millions of euro of Western support and assistance risk being wasted unless the Ukrainian government will start being active in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors |

"“Ukraine is stumbling forward not being able to drop opportunity fully, yet” said Dave Young, Chairman of the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency as closing remark of the 4th European-Ukrainian Energy Day “Ukraine’s Energy Market: Steps Forward or Lost Opportunity?”

Over 200 stakeholder from the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors, among which representatives from international state institutions, diplomatic missions and policy makers, gathered together to understand what is stopping Ukraine from achieving set goals in energy saving and resources diversification.

As Mr. Kopac, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, explained “Unfortunately, Ukraine’s market developed not in the way we expected it to. The Majority of discussions between Ukrainian government and European institutions are a formality. Ukraine is performing very poorly in the development of its laws and regulations that should attract millions of euro of investment”."

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