Sunday 26 January 2014

Could Qatar’s Stock Market Trump Dubai’s in 2014? - Middle East Real Time - WSJ

Could Qatar’s Stock Market Trump Dubai’s in 2014? - Middle East Real Time - WSJ:

"Dubai’s stock market has bolted out of the blocks again this year, and while it kept up the pace to clinch the region’s best performer tag in 2013, Qatar might just pip it to the post this time around.

Dubai’s benchmark DFM index is already up some 13% this year, after piling on a whopping 108% in 2013. Qatar, its Persian Gulf neighbour, isn’t far behind with its main stocks gauge up 9% in January following a relatively modest 24% gain last year.

Last year was mostly about investors re-rating Dubai, after a global economic crisis-induced slump there, on the back of a strong revival in trade and tourism and a sharp pickup in its real estate sector – a key component of the emirate’s growth plans. Its safe haven status amid unrest elsewhere in the region helped, while Dubai winning the right to host the World Expo in 2020 added to the attraction."

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