Friday, 14 February 2014

EconoMonitor : Thoughts From Across the Atlantic » On Polish Competitiveness and Flexible Labor Markets

EconoMonitor : Thoughts From Across the Atlantic » On Polish Competitiveness and Flexible Labor Markets:

"The Euro zone continues to expand, in spite of the debt problems of some members. Latvia introduced the euro on January 1, 2014 and Lithuania is on track to adopt the euro a year later. Leaders of Poland are now contemplating when to introduce the euro and Marek Belka, head of the Central Bank of Poland, recently discussed the economic conditions under which Poland would be prepared to adopt the euro in a Project Syndicate column titled „Poland’s Eurozone Tests”. He raised several issues such as the importance of meeting the Euro zone membership criteria in a sustainable manner as well as the need to further improve Poland’s labor market flexibility and strengthen the country’s capacity to withstand external shocks by building fiscal space. However, he also made two further claims, one of which is controversial, while the other is not supported by empirical data."

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