Monday, 30 November 2015

EM recovery gathers pace in 2016 -

EM recovery gathers pace in 2016 -

"Few dispute that 2015 has been a dismal year for emerging markets. GDP growth has fallen for a sixth consecutive year as the once dynamic economies that generated the lion’s share of global prosperity for more than a decade stumbled upon harder times.
The question, therefore, of how the developing world will fare in 2016 is crucial. Unusually, there is some fairly positive news. Most economists’ forecasts envisage either a slight recovery in average emerging market (EM) GDP growth, or at least a stabilisation at around 2015 levels.
“EM finds its feet”, ran the title of a Goldman Sachs outlook report for next year. “After six years of sequentially declining EM growth, our economists expect a pick up . . .[with] robust growth rates in Mexico and central and eastern Europe — specifically Poland and Hungary — and a more mixed picture in Asia,” the report added."

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