Sunday, 24 April 2016

The Gulf scripts a recovery via fiscal policy tweaks |

The Gulf scripts a recovery via fiscal policy tweaks |

"The “Wall Street Journal” ran an article after the collapse of the Doha Summit, illustrating that whilst the correlation between oil and the real estate markets in the US had been 0.3 last year, it was — 0.1 over a 26-year period. Thus demonstrating conclusively that there was no link between oil and that of real estate prices over a longer period of time.

If that is the case, then why is it that real estate prices on a global scale have effectively stagnated or started to decline, especially at the top end of the spectrum, even as economic growth continues to show signs of moderate growth? Data, as usual, provides the answer, that partly helps disprove some of the pessimism pervading the marketplace, especially in the region.

And aids in crystallising the road map ahead for investors and policymakers alike."

'via Blog this'

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