Monday, 16 July 2018

Private equity falls out of favour with Sovereign wealth funds |

Private equity falls out of favour with Sovereign wealth funds |

Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) are increasing their exposure to listed assets as private market deal activity slows, according to research from the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds (IFSWF).

A recent report on global SWFs by Sovereign Investment Lab at Bocconi University, found that sovereign wealth funds’ (SWFs) appetite for real estate and infrastructure deals slowed in 2017. The number of investments in unlisted assets completed in 2017 fell to 184, from 196 in 2016, while the number of listed investments rose to 119 in 2017, versus 94 in the previous year.

While SWF investors are increasingly looking at co-investment strategies with other investors, including their peers and private equity (PE) firms on investments, the traditional PE way of limited partners (LPs) entrusting money with general partners (GPs) is on the wane. In consumer goods and services companies, SWFs are buying fewer listed stocks, choosing to invest at earlier stages alongside PE firms.

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