Monday, 11 March 2019

CERAWeek Diary: Houston buzzing ahead of ‘oil man’s Davos’ — or was it the 16-hour flight?

CERAWeek Diary: Houston buzzing ahead of ‘oil man’s Davos’ — or was it the 16-hour flight?:

Downtown Houston was buzzing on the eve of the Texan city’s big event: The oil man’s Davos — otherwise known as CERAWeek by IHS Markit — the annual gathering of the masters of the energy universe.

Nobody actually uses the “by IHS Market” bit in casual conversation — it’s just CERAWeek. But because the event’s wonderfully efficient communications people spend a lot of time specifying exactly how the event should be referred to, it would be churlish not to give it its full brand name — on first mention at least.

It is also widely regarded as the Daniel Yergin show. The Pulitzer-winning historian of the oil industry — as author of “The Prize” — is absolutely everywhere at the five-day event, from crack-of-dawn breakfast meetings to more informal late-evening gatherings.

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