Thursday, 21 March 2019

Saudis Spiral Deeper Into Isolation Amid U.S. Ire Over #Khashoggi - Bloomberg

Saudis Spiral Deeper Into Isolation Amid U.S. Ire Over Khashoggi - Bloomberg:

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s U.S. trip a year ago was packed with the sort of events most world leaders struggle to secure: a meeting at Bill Gates’s home, a tour of Inc.’s headquarters and a private visit to Virgin Galactic’s hangar in the Mojave Desert.

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi destroyed all that, leaving the 33-year-old heir to the Saudi throne shunned, his government unable to repair ties with its most important foreign partner and the crown prince’s grand vision for economic development increasingly out of reach.

Rather than melt away, congressional anger at Saudi Arabia’s role in killing Khashoggi -- a U.S. resident and Washington Post columnist -- has solidified, helping fuel this month’s vote by the Republican-controlled Senate rejecting U.S. military support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen. The measure awaits House action.

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