Monday, 2 December 2019

Aramco CEO Survives Drones, Outlasts Rival in Hairy IPO Year - Bloomberg

Aramco CEO Survives Drones, Outlasts Rival in Hairy IPO Year - Bloomberg:

Saudi Aramco Chief Executive Officer Amin Nasser will find himself at the helm of the world’s largest publicly traded company when the shares of the giant oil producer start trading on the Riyadh stock exchange later this month.

It will cap a stormy year for the 60-year-old petroleum engineer, who’s proven a skillful survivor. He demonstrated his managerial prowess after the Sept. 14 drone and missile attacks that knocked out more than half of the state producer’s oil production: Aramco restored output within 11 days and continued to meet its commitments to customers. 

Nasser also steered Aramco’s first bond issue, a $12 billion deal that was 10 times oversubscribed. The April sale, which earned him the nickname of the “$100 billion man,” underscored Saudi Arabia’s return to global capital markets after the kingdom’s ostracism over the assassination of columnist Jamal Khashoggi last year. Although the IPO has proven a tougher sell to international investors, its climax will cap almost four years of work for Nasser.

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