Monday, 2 December 2019

RPT-COLUMN-China's new Russian natural gas pipeline won't worry LNG, oversupply will: Russell - Reuters

RPT-COLUMN-China's new Russian natural gas pipeline won't worry LNG, oversupply will: Russell - Reuters:

A new pipeline from Russia that will eventually be capable of delivering more than a quarter of China’s current level of natural gas imports sounds like the last thing embattled liquefied natural gas (LNG) producers need.

The Power of Siberia pipeline was scheduled on Monday to start delivering natural gas from Russia to China’s northeast, bringing the cleaner-burning fuel some 3,000 kilometres (1,865 miles) to a region that up to now has been heavily reliant on coal.

The pipeline is due to reach its full capacity of 38 billion cubic metres (bcm) a year by 2025, which is equivalent to about 28.1 million tonnes of LNG.

China’s total natural gas imports from LNG and existing pipelines from central Asia were 77.1 million tonnes in the first 10 months of 2019, meaning they should be around 93 million tonnes for the full year.

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